Why didn’t I buy Netflix when it was about $90 a share last February? I was afraid. The experts were really questioning its ability to increase its subscribers. Look at it now. The stock price is almost doubled. Its newly added subscriber numbers crashed the wall street estimates this quarter….
Month: July 2017
Is the Stock Market Overvalued?
The three popular ways to measure value of the stock market are the trailing 12 month price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio), the forward 12 month P/E ratio, and the price to sales ratio. The question is whether the stocks are over valued at this point. Historically, the S&P 500 P/E ratio…
No Money Can Buy – Mental Health
Every day, we fight the traffic to go to work. We worry about the project deadlines. We research and invest our hard earned money hoping to have enough in the nest when we retire. There is something money just can’t buy – our mental health. That’s something we should invest…
Do You Want to Invest in This $17000 Fidget Spinner?
We saw the fidget spinners for the first time on the cashier’s checkout counter in the hardware store. They are $1 a piece. We could not figure out why they had become so popular. A jewelry designer from Russia has created a fidget spinner that sells for 1 million Russian…
Taxes and Inflation – Your Biggest Enemies after Retirement
Lower your taxes. Instead of looking at your investments first, begin by taking a look at your taxes and determine a good method to minimize them. You ideally need to move from growth type of investments to income producing investments, when planning for a flawless retirement. By simply changing your…