Overview Even though the symptoms of the cold, flu, and COVID can be very similar, we can usually tell the difference between them by: While many people had no symptoms or had very mild flu-like symptoms, COVID can be fatal. Getting over the flu takes a lot longer than getting…
Category: Uncategorized
Don’t Forget: Some Benefits Are Going away between Alaska and American Soon
Unfortunately, the big boy wants to protect itself. Sort of following suit, American decided to cut some ties with Alaska. Thanks to Delta’s great example in 2016. Delta decided to completely cut ties with Alaska and everything ended in April, 2017. Delta’s decision was probably due to the ongoing fight…
Marriott to Kill the Partnership between SPG and Uber
I have a bad feeling. Amex SPG card wll be the next one on the chopping block.
Popular Sportswear: Yoga and Smoking Are Cool
This ad is kind of defeating its own purpose, isn’t it? If you practice yoga, you must be health-conscious. Why would you smoke then?
Commendable: JetBlue Continued to Sell Tickets to Florida at $99 One-Way to Help People Get Home
These $99 fares are still available for the folks who are trying to get home. A similar search performed on Delta.com yielded a very different result.